Words are Gifts

A Local Play

I went to watch a local play with friends last night.

This morning, I retold the whole storyline, with its themes and controversies to my sister. The play had several messages, linked to current affairs, the playwright, director always delivers with less than ten actors, also uses snippets of global incidents to connect with the general public. What he does well with in his shows is the application of lyrics from different songs, both local and foreign, to reiterate his message, during the play. The invisible, youthful band plays the selected song at the appropriate time, with the actor dancing and singing perfectly.

The power of using popular music charges the atmosphere and powers the whole theatre. The audience break into song (helping the actor relay the message) whilst jigging in their seats. I guess this is an opportunity or an unlabelled interlude for the audience to soak up the message, at the same time attaching the meaning of the lyrics to the part of the storyline. It is the playwright’s style of delivery and it works so well. He knows the audience will respond.

So the audience is pulled in by the powerful song, humor and the direct links with the part of the story. This actually draws them into the story, the interactive nature of the show reminds me of the call and response in pantomimes.

I have also got to mention the pre-play, show. When the invisible, youthful band play their version of the modern rhythmic Afro beats. This charges the theatre, sets the scene, as the audience walk in to the near perfect beats.


3 responses to “A Local Play”

  1. Sounds like a delightful evening, Juliette. Thanks for taking us with you! We’ve only attended one performance in two years, and I long for anything LIVE again.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How exciting to feel a part of the play! The last live performance I attended was so long ago. I’m inspired to venture out; your words paint such joy.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. debraannregister Avatar

    Sounds like a great way to get the audience truly involved and engaged and love that it started with the pre-show and the audience walks into a rhythm that is sounds was calling you all in and welcoming you to be part of something transformative and wonderful magical!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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About Me

I am am Elementary school teacher at an International IB School in Accra, Ghana, West Africa. I write with groups of writers, such as Teach Write.
