Words are Gifts


Today’s been full. Work was really busy. Well, all the days are busy but there was no room to be creative ( to come up with a topic). I tried as much as possible to fish for the stories that happened during the day, but I could not even think about anything in particular.

After school though, I freshened up and went with my friends for a Japanese meal. That was special.

Each of the dishes was delicious. the conversation engaging and the ambience relaxing.

I needed that to begin my weekend. I have all day tomorrow to be creative and write something outstanding.

3 responses to “Friday”

  1. “Fish for the stories…” I see what you did there 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree with Brian! Totally understand those days when the creativity wells feel dry. But you kept swimming; so glad you posted your slice anyway.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sometimes days are just too tiring- you made it to the weekend and you still showed up to write.

    Liked by 1 person

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About Me

I am am Elementary school teacher at an International IB School in Accra, Ghana, West Africa. I write with groups of writers, such as Teach Write.
