Words are Gifts

Our No Reward Day

When there is no reward, would you carry on regardless?

Would you take the plunge anyway?

Today our ‘Fit-bit” or the recording or collating of our walk did not work. Our 6 or 7km walk was not in vain we encouraged each other (my walking partner K and I).

“We’re still benefiting from the ‘power walk.”

The good thing though is that we have all our trails mapped out and measured. We now know where one km begins and ends and have an idea of our average pace when we take those long strides.

Walking religiously for over eight months and challenging each other with our different gadgets and Apps:

Fit bit with App on the phone

Fit Bit watch

Our Group Challenge App on the phone

All the above have held us in check, motivating us to keep striding.

So yesterday was a disappointment as we are always set to add to our annual challenge. We have calculated it so we have our weekly and monthly goals. When the App refused to reload yesterday evening, during the walk, we were surprised, this had never happened before.

We missed the sound of Ms.Somebody on the gadget, announcing at different intervals, the kilometres, pace and amount of time we had walked. We ‘ammed’ and ‘ahhed’ but chose to walk regardless. With our already mapped out course, we know approximately how many steps and kilometres we trudge daily. We made it yesterday.

Motivated not by the reward, and driven by the health benefits, we disregarded the App’s mishap. Our bodies were the winners.

We decided that we do not always need extrinsic benefits to show or push us to achieve. At 50 something, we are determined to keep walking. With our commitment, we are still leading the young’uns on our challenge. So our mantra now should be:

Even when there is no reward, we still walk.


3 responses to “Our No Reward Day”

  1. I thought about my students as I read your slice….how would they do without the extrinsic reward (or punishment) of a grade?? Thank you for giving me something to rethink.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Even when there is no reward, we still walk.

    This, right here, captures so much about who you are, and is an apt analogy for the work of parenting and teaching. Keep walking J!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. There is nothing quite like walking and enjoying it, the benefits of walking are so diverse. So glad you got through your fit bit not working mishap! Sometimes technology can prove so annoying!

    Liked by 1 person

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About Me

I am am Elementary school teacher at an International IB School in Accra, Ghana, West Africa. I write with groups of writers, such as Teach Write.
